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Steps of formwork construction

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Most people are not familiar with how to make and the steps involved in making these forms. Therefore, it is important to learn the steps of formwork construction.

• Cutting

• Punching holes in the belt

• Assembly of concrete forms using arc welding

• Template welding using CO2 welding technology

• Quality review and control

• Painting the formwork and making a protective layer

• Formwork packaging


The first step of the formwork construction procedure is cutting. At this stage, the formwork base and the band around the formwork are cut to the required size. The plates are automatically cut with a cutter to the right size for the type of formwork and are ready for punching.

Punching holes in the belt

After the cutting stage of making the concrete form, it is time to punch the belts. When punching the concrete form belts, care must be taken to punch in the same area. Otherwise, problems will occur when formatting. Punched straps can have different shapes such as stars, flowers, rectangles, beans, and so on.

Assembly of concrete forms using arc welding

After the stamping step, the plates including the floor plates and strips are joined together using arc welding. Assembling concrete forms is one of the most important steps in making steel concrete forms. Therefore, it is very important. Arc welding is a type of welding in which the electric arc is used as a heat source in the welding.

This type of welding has the following advantages:

• For welding structural components with restricted access

• For plain and alloy steels that can be welded with this process

Template welding using CO2 welding technology

The next step in the formwork construction step is welding. When using this gas, a cap or electrode should be used to cover the arc and prevent its deformation. Now the question arises, what are the advantages of CO2 welding compared to other types of welding? Why do we use CO2 welding when making templates?

Here are the advantages of CO2 welding:

• Increases the strength and intensity of the concrete formwork

• Its high penetration extends to the depth of the workpiece

• No deformation of the workpiece and no separation of the side strips when breaking the welded joint

• No need to remove large amounts of waste after welding

• High welding speed

As a result, CO2 welding extends the life of the part and significantly increases the number of times concrete forms are used in different projects.

Quality review and control

After completing the above steps, the concrete form is sent to the quality control and inspection department for:

• In the case of welding, the belt should be thoroughly inspected

• Sanding on the surfaces to be polished

Painting the formwork and making a protective layer

At this stage, the concrete form is coated to prevent rusting of iron, to improve durability, and to decorate the appearance according to the color requested by the customer. Thus, they are ready for packaging and transportation.

Formwork packaging

In the final step of the formwork construction step, the formwork is packed to make it easier to load and align it correctly.

With high-quality products and effective work methods, ZEEMO Construction Technology Co., Ltd will deliver on time and reduce costs effectively, and thoughtful service will cover the whole process. If you want to know more about the formwork construction steps, please feel free to contact us.