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Information on Reusable Pier Formwork

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The reusable pier and dam formwork is easy to use and reusable. The use of this formwork can speed up the construction progress and improve the appearance quality of engineering concrete. So let me introduce to you some of the construction processes of reusable pier dam formwork!

pier formwork single-sided

Here is the content list:

l Construction preparation

l Bridge and dam construction

l Template installation and production

Construction preparation

The engineering and technical personnel of the project shall review and calculate the construction drawings (including the central pile position, elevation, and pier-column coordinates). Only after verification can be carried out on-site construction. The perimeter of the wharf and dam construction site should be leveled and compacted, and the materials and equipment should be stacked reasonably to ensure the parking of large cranes, concrete pump trucks, and transportation machinery. Before the construction of piers 

and dams, clean and chisel the concrete surface of the caps within the range of the pier column, straighten the caps, and reserve steel bars. Use the total station to accurately determine the center elevation, central axis, four outer lines, and sidelines of the pier and column erection formwork, and add protective piles to the remaining piers and the center of the dam. According to the measured perimeter of the pier, re-measure the elevation of the pier and dam bottom, wipe the tape on the outer edge of the pier dam with high-grade mortar, and level it with a spirit level, so that the length of the height tape is consistent, which is convenient for supporting the formwork and supporting the reusable pier dam formwork.

Bridge and Dam Construction

The first is about the support of the safety technical specifications for fastener-type steel pipe scaffolding in construction and the construction of working platform piers and dams. Steel pipe brackets are installed around the dam body, and the brackets are arranged in double rows. There is sufficient construction space for the dam body between the support and the dam body. A 5cm scaffold is laid on the support as a construction work platform. Railings are set on the sides, surrounded by a dense green mesh. Bracket settings must not interfere with formwork installation work. When working at heights, you must wear a helmet, non-slip shoes, and a seat belt. When the wind is greater than level 6, stop working at heights. Erection work must be licensed. The second is to clean up the concrete surface of the cover plate within the confinement range of the pier column, chisel the steel bars that bind the pier column before construction, straighten the steel bars reserved for the cover plate, and accurately measure the position of the cover plate. The outer contour of the pier and the dam on the top surface of the cap shall be marked on the platform. Re-measure the elevation of the bottom of the pier and dam, and erect the pier and dam for construction support. The processing and production of steel bars are all carried out in the steel bar processing shed. The production and binding of steel bars shall be carried out according to the number of piers and dam sections, and sufficient lap length shall be reserved. After the reinforcement cage is completed, the precast concrete pads are bound to the main reinforcement to ensure the thickness of the protective layer.

Template installation and production

The reusable pier and dam formwork adopts large-scale composite steel formwork, and the size is processed according to the design section. Before processing, check and calculate according to the speed and load of concrete to ensure the strength and stiffness of the formwork itself. The reusable pier and dam formwork is processed by a processing plant with many years of experience in the processing of highway bridge steel structures. Trial installation and inspection are carried out before leaving the site, and after passing the test, it will be transported to the construction site. The reusable pier dam formwork installation formwork is hoisted in place with a crane, and the seams are sealed with sponge strips. The theodolite is used to control the verticality of the template, and it is fixed with a wire puller after adjustment. After the reinforcement of the formwork is completed, check the formwork to ensure that the plane position is accurate, the surface is free of soil, mortar, and other debris, the surface is flat, the joints are tight, and the verticality and structural dimensions meet the requirements.

The reusable pier dam formwork has brought great convenience to our construction and greatly reduced our construction time and cost. If you are interested in reusable pier dam formwork and single-sided formwork, our website is Very much looking forward to your arrival.